Student Parliament of the Rhenish
Friedrich Wilhelm University of Bonn



Here you can find the meeting dates of the 47. Student Parliament of the University of Bonn, as well as those of its committees and of the Conciliation Committee.

The meeting dates are also available as RSS feed and as ICal calendar.

The First ordinary meeting of the Articles of Association and Bylaws Committee took place on in the AStA-Container.

Die Sitzung findet hybrid statt, der ZOOM Link lautet wie folgt: – Meeting-ID: 664 2521 0906 – Kenncode: 093547

The preliminary agenda was:

  1. Opening and welcome
  2. Election of a secretary
  3. Resolution of the minutes of the constituent meeting of 31.01.2025
  4. Regulation of the arbitration committee
  5. Requests for amendments to the SdS
  6. Changes to the WOSP
  7. Changes to the GOSP
  8. Miscellaneous
Meeting as ics file