Student Parliament of the Rhenish
Friedrich Wilhelm University of Bonn

The English language variant of this website is currently under development and will gradually be expanded.


Here you can find the meeting dates of the 46. Student Parliament of the University of Bonn, as well as those of its committees and of the Conciliation Committee.

The meeting dates are also available as RSS feed and as ICal calendar.

The 3rd regular Meeting of the Statues and Rules of Procedure Committee took place on in the AStA-Container.

Die Sitzung wird hybrid stattfinden. Hier findet ihr die Zoom-Zugangsdaten: (Meeting-ID: 687 4967 1213, Kenncode: 859369).

The preliminary agenda was:

  1. Opening and Welcome
  2. Approval of meeting minutes
  3. Election of a Recording Clerk
  4. Report of the Chair on the transfer of § 6a RKO
  5. Amendment of the SpoFinO
  6. Elaboration of the SFSG
  7. Overview discussion of attachments 3 to 4
  8. Miscellaneous
Meeting as ics file