Student Parliament of the Rhenish
Friedrich Wilhelm University of Bonn



Here you can find the meeting dates of the 46. Student Parliament of the University of Bonn, as well as those of its committees and of the Conciliation Committee.

The meeting dates are also available as RSS feed and as ICal calendar.

The Constituent Meeting of the 47th Student Parliament took place on in the Mensa CAMPO.

The preliminary agenda was:

  1. Opening and Welcome
  2. Opening and Welcome
  3. Determination of the quorum
  4. Setting of the Agenda
  5. Election of the SP-Presidium
    1. First Speaker
    2. Second Speaker
    3. Third Speaker
  6. Election of the Recording Clerk
    1. First Recording Clerk
    2. Second Recording Clerk
  7. Approval of Meeting Minutes
  8. Elections: Committees
    1. Budget Committee
    2. Cash Audit Committee
    3. Election Audit Committee
    4. Committee for the Aid Fund to support Students in need
    5. Statutes and Rules Committee
    6. Committee for the Semester Ticket
    7. Public Relations Committee
    8. Other Committees
  9. Election of the Members of the Conciliation Committee
  10. Reports
    1. Report of the Election Manager
    2. from the AStA
    3. from the Autonomous Departments
    4. from the Student Councils
    5. from the general committees (Senate, faculty councils, commissions)
    6. from the SP-Presidium
    7. from the SP-Committees
    8. from the Conciliation Committee
    9. from the Administrative Board of the Studierendenwerk Bonn
    10. from the University Groups
  11. Finance-Motion: Event series “Able*is*mus” of the AStA departments CIMND*-Department against Ableism and Social Department
  12. Finance Motion: Application for approval of the financial application of the sport of fencing at the OV
  13. Application for approval of the financial application of the sport UniFitBox at the OV
  14. Motion: Establishment of a Cultural Committee
  15. Other Motions
  16. Miscellaneous
Meeting as ics file

The 6th regular Meeting of the Election Committee took place on in the Internet.

Meeting ID: 680 0016 0752 Code: 55345

The preliminary agenda was:

  1. Opening and Welcome
  2. Election of a Recording Clerk
  3. Setting of the Agenda
  4. Approval of Meeting Minutes
  5. ⁠Discussions with the administration
  6. Vote on preliminary results of the 47th Student parliament election
  7. ⁠Miscellaneous
Meeting as ics file

The 5th regular Meeting of the Culture Committee took place on in the AStA-Container.

The preliminary agenda was:

  1. Opening and Welcome
  2. Election of a Recording Clerk
  3. Setting of the Agenda
  4. Approval of meeting minutes
  5. Presentation of the motions submitted
  6. Debate
  7. Miscellaneous
Meeting as ics file

The 5th regular Meeting of the Election Committee took place on in the Internet.

The preliminary agenda was:

  1. Opening and Welcome
  2. Election of a Recording Clerk
  3. Setting of the Agenda
  4. Approval of Meeting Minutes
  5. ⁠Discussions with the administration
  6. Admission of list applications
  7. Ballot box transportation/ Bus rental
  8. Election information flyers and posters planning
  9. Social media and increasing voter turnout
  10. Preparation of election magazine
  11. ⁠Miscellaneous
Meeting as ics file

The 4th regular Meeting of the Election Committee took place on in the Zimmer 4 des AStA.

The preliminary agenda was:

  1. Opening and Welcome
  2. Election of a Recording Clerk
  3. Setting of the Agenda
  4. Approval of Meeting Minutes
  5. ⁠Discussions with the administration
  6. Admission of list applications
  7. Ballot box transportation/ Bus rental
  8. Election information flyers and posters planning
  9. Social media and increasing voter turnout
  10. Preparation of election magazine
  11. ⁠Miscellaneous
Meeting as ics file

The 12th regular Meeting of the Student Parliament took place on in the Mensa CAMPO.

The preliminary agenda was:

  1. Formalities
    1. Opening and Welcome
    2. Introduction to Formalities
    3. Setting of the Agenda
    4. Approval of Meeting Minutes
  2. Reports, Guests and Motions with Guests
    1. Antrag 46/80 Pflanzenbasierte Ernährung für die Kindertagesstätten des Studierendenwerks der Universität Bonn
    2. Reports
      1. from the SP Committees
      2. from the General Students’ Committee (AStA)
      3. from the Autonomous Departments
      4. from the Student Bodies
      5. from the University Bodies (Senate, Faculty Council, Committees, Council for Student Assistants)
      6. from the Presidium of the SP
      7. from the Arbitration Board
      8. from the Administrative Board of the Studierendenwerk Bonn
      9. from the Student Groups
  3. Elections
    1. AStA-Elections: Head of Department of Public Relations
    2. Committees: Elections and By-Elections
    3. By-Elections of the Members of the Arbitration Board
  4. Motions
    1. Antrag 46/77 Antrag auf Beschluss von NHHP I 24/25 [2./ 3. Lesung] [1] [2] [3]
    2. Antrag 46/81 Unterstützung des AStA-Statements: Bonner Studierendenschaft begrüßt den Klimaplan der Stadt Bonn – AStA mahnt eine zügige, konsequente Umsetzung der Klimaschutzmaßnahmen an [1]
    3. Antrag 46/82 Einigung zwischen dem BIPoC*-Kollektiv und dem AStA der Universität Bonn
    4. Other Motions
    5. Miscellaneous
Meeting as ics file

The 3rd regular meeting of the gender equity committee took place on in the AStA-Container.

The preliminary agenda was:

  1. Opening and Welcome
  2. Election of a Recording Clerk
  3. Finalization of the Agenda
  4. Approval of the Protocol of the Inaugural Meeting
  5. Planning
  6. Determination of further Dates
  7. Miscellaneous
Meeting as ics file

The 11th regular Meeting of the Student Parliament took place on in the Mensa CAMPO.

The preliminary agenda was:

  1. Formalities
    1. Opening and Welcome
    2. Introduction to Formalities
    3. Setting of the Agenda
    4. Approval of Meeting Minutes
  2. Reports, Guests and Motions with Guests
    1. Visit of Healthy Campus Bonn
    2. Antrag 46/73 Antrag für die Anschaffung eines neuen Ruderbootes
    3. Antrag 46/74 Finanzantrag ”Merchprodukte für Veranstaltungen” [überwiesen aus dem Kulturausschuss]
    4. Antrag 46/75 Aktualisierung der Fachschaftenliste [1] [2]
    5. Reports
      1. from the SP Committees
      2. from the General Students’ Committee (AStA)
      3. from the Autonomous Departments
      4. from the Student Bodies
      5. from the University Bodies (Senate, Faculty Council, Committees, Council for Student Assistants)
      6. from the Presidium of the SP
      7. from the Arbitration Board
      8. from the Administrative Board of the Studierendenwerk Bonn
      9. from the Student Groups
  3. Elections
    1. Election of Student Members for the Administrative Board of the Studierendenwerk Bonn
    2. AStA-Election: Head of Department for International Students
    3. Committees: Elections and By-Elections
    4. By-Elections of the Members of the Arbitration Board
  4. Motions
    1. Antrag 46/69 Antrag auf Änderung der Beitragsordnung der Studierendenschaft [2./3. Lesung]
    2. Antrag 46/76 Antrag: Entlastung des AStAs für das Haushaltsjahr 2023/2024 [1]
    3. Antrag 46/77 Antrag auf Beschluss von NHHP I 24/25 [1. Lesung] [1] [2] [3]
    4. Antrag 46/78 Keine Probezeit für studentisch Beschäftigte
    5. Antrag 46/79 Unterstützung der Stellungnahme zur Novelle des Hochschulgesetzes [1] [2]
    6. Other Motions
    7. Miscellaneous
Meeting as ics file

The Third regular Meeting of the Election Committee took place on in the Zimmer 4 des AStA.

The preliminary agenda was:

  1. Opening and Welcome
  2. Election of a Recording Clerk
  3. Setting of the Agenda
  4. Approval of Meeting Minutes
  5. ⁠Discussions with the administration
  6. Shift schedule Election office
  7. Ballot box transportation/ Bus rental
  8. Election notice distribution and printing
  9. Social media and increasing voter turnout
  10. Election information flyers and posters
  11. Preparation of election magazine
  12. Administrative decisions submission conditions
  13. ⁠Miscellaneous
Meeting as ics file

The 8th regular meeting of the budget committee took place on in the AStA.

The preliminary agenda was:

  1. Opening and Welcome
  2. Determination of the minute taker
  3. Finalisation of the agenda
  4. Approval of meeting minutes
  5. Resolution recommendation on the discharge of the AStA
  6. Discussion about the NHHP I 24/25
  7. Resolution recommendation on the NHHP I
  8. Miscellaneous
Meeting as ics file

The 4th regular Meeting of the Culture Committee took place on in the AStA-Container.

The preliminary agenda was:

  1. Opening and Welcome
  2. Election of a Recording Clerk
  3. Setting of the Agenda
  4. Approval of meeting minutes
  5. Presentation of the motions submitted
  6. Debate
  7. Miscellaneous
Meeting as ics file

The 7th regular meeting of the budget committee took place on in the AStA-Container.

The preliminary agenda was:

  1. Opening and Welcome
  2. Determination of the minute taker
  3. Finalisation of the agenda
  4. Approval of meeting minutes
  5. Budget Account 23/24
  6. Discussion about the NHHP I 24/25
  7. Miscellaneous
Meeting as ics file

The Second regular Meeting of the Election Committee took place on in the Zimmer 4 des AStA.

The preliminary agenda was:

  1. Opening and Welcome
  2. Election of a Recording Clerk
  3. Setting of the Agenda
  4. Approval of Meeting Minutes
  5. Data Protection Obligation
  6. Discussion with the Administration
  7. Ballot Box transport
  8. Preparation of notice of election
  9. Social Media Strategy
  10. Miscellaneous
Meeting as ics file

The 10th regular Meeting of the 46th Student Parliament took place on in the Mensa CAMPO.

The preliminary agenda was:

  1. Formalities
    1. Opening and Welcome
    2. Introduction to Formalities
    3. Setting of the Agenda
    4. Approval of Meeting Minutes
  2. Reports, Guests and Motions with Guests
    1. Visit of Healthy Campus Bonn
    2. Antrag 46/67 Finanzantrag - BIMUN/SINUB Konferenz 2024
    3. Reports
      1. from the SP Committees
      2. from the General Students’ Committee (AStA)
      3. from the Autonomous Departments
      4. from the Student Bodies
      5. from the University Bodies (Senate, Faculty Council, Committees, Council for Student Assistants)
      6. from the Presidium of the SP
      7. from the Arbitration Board
      8. from the Administrative Board of the Studierendenwerk Bonn
      9. from the Student Groups
  3. Elections
    1. Election of Recording Clerks
    2. Committees: Elections and By-Elections
      1. Election of the Election Committee of the Student Parliament
      2. Other Committees
    3. By-Elections of the Members of the Arbitration Board
  4. Motions
    1. Antrag 46/68 Antrag zu Social-Media Accounts von AStA-Referaten
    2. Antrag 46/69 Antrag auf Änderung der Beitragsordnung der Studierendenschaft [1. Lesung]
    3. Antrag 46/70 Antrag zur digitalen Implementierung des Bibliotheksausweises der Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Bonn in die „Uni Bonn App“
    4. Antrag 46/71 Kein Saft mehr war gestern – Antrag zum zukünftigen Einbau von Ladeanschlüssen in Räumlichkeiten des universitären Lehrbetriebs
    5. Other Motions
    6. Miscellaneous
Meeting as ics file

The 3rd regular Meeting of the Culture Committee took place on in the AStA-Container.

The preliminary agenda was:

  1. Opening and Welcome
  2. Election of a Recording Clerk
  3. Setting of the Agenda
  4. Approval of meeting minutes
  5. Presentation of the motions submitted
  6. Debate
  7. Miscellaneous
Meeting as ics file

The First regular Meeting of the Election Committee took place on in the Zimmer 4 des AStA.


The preliminary agenda was:

  1. Opening and Welcome
  2. Election of a Recording Clerk
  3. Setting of the Agenda
  4. Approval of Meeting Minutes
  5. Data Protection Obligation
  6. Discussion with the Administration
  7. Finances
  8. Determination of the Ballot Box Plan
  9. Social Media Strategy
  10. Implementation of Ideas to increase Voter Turnout
  11. Miscellaneous
Meeting as ics file

The 2nd regular Meeting of the Culture Committee took place on in the AStA-Container.

The preliminary agenda was:

  1. Opening and Welcome
  2. Election of a Recording Clerk
  3. Setting of the Agenda
  4. Approval of meeting minutes
  5. Presentation of the motions submitted
  6. Debate
  7. Miscellaneous
Meeting as ics file

The 17th regular meeting of the committee for the aid fund to support students in need took place on until in the Internet.

Beitreten Zoom Meeting Meeting-ID: 696 9542 5914 Kenncode: 493844

The preliminary agenda was:

  1. Opening and Welcome
  2. Election of Recording Clerk
  3. Setting of the Agenda
  4. Approval of the Proceedings
  5. Account balances
  6. Motions
  7. Miscellaneous
Meeting as ics file

The Constituent Meeting of the Election Committee took place on in the Zimmer 4 des AStA.

The preliminary agenda was:

  1. Opening and Welcome
  2. Election of a Recording Clerk
  3. Finalization of the Agenda
  4. Approval of Protocols
  5. Data Protection Obligation
  6. Discussion with the Administration
  7. Discussion of the internal Schedule and initial Assignment of Tasks
  8. Suggestions to increase Voter Turnout
  9. Miscellaneous
Meeting as ics file

The 1st regular Meeting of the Culture Committee took place on in the AStA-Container.

The preliminary agenda was:

  1. Opening and Welcome
  2. Election of a Recording Clerk
  3. Setting of the Agenda
  4. Approval of meeting minutes
  5. Election of a deputy chairperson
  6. Presentation of the motions submitted
  7. Debate
  8. Determination of further Dates
  9. Miscellaneous
Meeting as ics file

The 9th regular Meeting of the 46th Student Parliament took place on in the Mensa CAMPO.

The preliminary agenda was:

  1. Formalities
    1. Opening and Welcome
    2. Introduction to Formalities
    3. Setting of the Agenda
    4. Approval of Meeting Minutes
  2. Reports, Guests and Motions with Guests
    1. Visit of Sustainability Unit, Vice Rectorat for Sustainability and Director of Division 4
    2. Antrag 46/59 Finanzantrag „SINGFONIE – Das Partykonzert“
    3. Antrag 46/60 Finanzantrag NatFak Winterball [1]
    4. Antrag 46/61 Beschaffung von Screw-ons für die Kletterhalle
    5. Antrag 46/62 Finanzantrag gesellschaft*macht*geschlecht 2024 – Werbekosten
    6. Antrag 46/63 Unterstützung des Forderungspapieres zur Raumvergabe für studentisches Engagement [1]
    7. Reports
      1. from the SP Committees
      2. from the General Students’ Committee (AStA)
      3. from the Autonomous Departments
      4. from the Student Bodies
      5. from the University Bodies (Senate, Faculty Council, Committees, Council for Student Assistants)
      6. from the Presidium of the SP
      7. from the Arbitration Board
      8. from the Administrative Board of the Studierendenwerk Bonn
      9. from the Student Groups
  3. Elections
    1. AStA-Elections
      1. Chair of Department of Faculty Student Councils
    2. Election of Recording Clerks
    3. Committees: Elections and By-Elections
      1. Election of the Election Committee of the Student Parliament (10 regular members, 10 deputy members)
      2. Election of the Election Office of the Student Parliament (Chief and Deputy Election Officer)
      3. Other Committees
    4. By-Elections of the Members of the Arbitration Board
  4. Motions
    1. Antrag 46/64 Anschaffung eines weiteren Foodtrucks zur Verbesserung der Versorgung an Campus ohne Mensa
    2. Antrag 46/65 Antrag zur Angleichung der Aufwandsentschädigungen für Medizin-Studierende im Praktischen Jahr an den BAföG-Höchstsatz [1]
    3. Antrag 46/66 Vielfältige Nutzung statt Leerstand: Das „Impulse – House for Intellectual Innovation and Creativity“ als Raum für studentische Gruppen und Veranstaltungen
    4. Other Motions
    5. Miscellaneous
Meeting as ics file

The 4th regular Meeting of the Public Relations Committee took place on in the AStA-Container.

The preliminary agenda was:

  1. Opening and Welcome
  2. Election of Recording Clerk
  3. Setting of the Agenda
  4. Approval of the Proceedings
  5. Data protection obligation
  6. Continuation of measures to improve the publicity of the SP
  7. Development of concept for stands of the university groups at the Ersti-Welcome on the occasion of the SP resolution of the 8th ordinary meeting
  8. Miscellaneous
Meeting as ics file

The 6th regular meeting of the budget committee took place on in the AStA-Container.

The preliminary agenda was:

  1. Opening and Welcome
  2. Determination of the minute taker
  3. Finalisation of the agenda
  4. Approval of meeting minutes
  5. Discussion about the Financial Application Winterball
  6. Resolution Recommendation Financial Application Winterball
  7. Miscellaneous
Meeting as ics file

The 14th regular meeting of the committee for the aid fund to support students in need took place on until in the Internet.

Beitreten Zoom Meeting Meeting-ID: 696 8841 4954 Kenncode: 061095

The preliminary agenda was:

  1. Opening and Welcome
  2. Election of Recording Clerk
  3. Setting of the Agenda
  4. Approval of the Proceedings
  5. Account balances
  6. Motions
  7. Miscellaneous
Meeting as ics file

The 8th regular Meeting of the 46th Student Parliament took place on in the Mensa CAMPO.

The preliminary agenda was:

  1. Formalities
    1. Opening and Welcome
    2. Introduction to Formalities
    3. Setting of the Agenda
    4. Approval of Meeting Minutes
  2. Reports, Guests and Motions with Guests
    1. Visit of Studierendenwerk Bonn [1]
    2. Antrag 46/40 Antrag auf Verabschiedung der Satzung zur Förderung von Studentischen Gruppen (SFSG) [2./ 3. Lesung] [1]
    3. Antrag 46/47 Antrag Perspektiven für die lernende Jugend statt Wehrdienst: Bafög für Alle erstreiten! [vertagt]
    4. Antrag 46/52 Antrag auf Einrichtung eines Kulturausschusses
    5. Antrag 46/53 Finanzantrag gesellschaft*macht*geschlecht 2024 – Werbekosten
    6. Antrag 46/54 Finanzantrag gesellschaft*macht*geschlecht 2024
    7. Reports
      1. from the SP Committees
      2. from the General Students’ Committee (AStA)
      3. from the Autonomous Departments
      4. from the Student Bodies
      5. from the University Bodies (Senate, Faculty Council, Committees, Council for Student Assistants)
      6. from the Presidium of the SP
      7. from the Arbitration Board
      8. from the Administrative Board of the Studierendenwerk Bonn
      9. from the Student Groups
  3. Elections
    1. Nachwahl der studentischen Mitglieder für den Verwaltungsrat des Studierendenwerks Bonn
    2. AStA-Wahlen
      1. Head of University Policy Department
      2. Head of Culture and Student Initiatives Department
    3. Election of Recording Clerks
      1. Recording Clerk
    4. Committees: Elections and By-Elections
    5. By-Elections of the Members of the Arbitration Board
  4. Motions
    1. Antrag 46/46 Dritte Satzungsänderungssatzung der Satzung zur Erstattung des Mobilitätsbeitrags zum Semesterticket [2./ 3.Lesung]
    2. Antrag 46/51 Hochschulgruppen auf dem Ersti-Welcome
    3. Antrag 46/49 Festlegung des Wahltermins der Wahlen zum 47. Studierendenparlament
    4. Other Motions
    5. Miscellaneous
Meeting as ics file

The 1st regular meeting of the Cash Audit Committee took place on in the Internet.

The preliminary agenda was:

  1. Opening and Welcome
  2. Election of a Recording Clerk
  3. Setting of the Agenda
  4. Approval of Meeting Minutes
  5. New Election of the Chairman
  6. Determination of the test method
  7. Determination of the Allocation of the Expense Allowance
  8. Coordination of the Cash Audit
  9. Miscellaneous
Meeting as ics file

The 6th regular Meeting of the Statues and Rules of Procedure Committee took place on in the AStA-Container.

The preliminary agenda was:

  1. Opening and Welcome
  2. Election of a Recording Clerk
  3. Approval of Meeting Minutes
  4. Discussion of the first reading of the SFSG and the next steps
  5. Proposal to amend the SdS
  6. Proposal to amend the GOSP
  7. Right to speak and make motions for non-students in the SP
  8. Miscellaneous
Meeting as ics file

The 3. ordentliche Sitzung des Öffentlichkeitsausschusses took place on in the AStA-Container.

The preliminary agenda was:

  1. Eröffnung und Begrüßung
  2. Wahl einer*eines Schriftführenden
  3. Endgültige Festlegung der Tagesordnung
  4. Genehmigung von Protokollen
  5. Datenschutzverpflichtung
  6. Maßnahmen zur Verbesserung der Öffentlichkeitswirksamkeit des SP
  7. Verbesserung der Einbindung der Studierenden in die Meinungsbildung
  8. Verschiedenes
Meeting as ics file

The 7th regular Meeting of the 46th Student Parliament took place on in the Mensa CAMPO.

The preliminary agenda was:

  1. Formalities
    1. Opening and Welcome
    2. Introduction to Formalities
    3. Setting of the Agenda
    4. Approval of Meeting Minutes
  2. Reports, Guests and Motions with Guests
    1. Antrag 46/35 Erste Ordnung zur Änderung der Wahlordnung für die Wahlen der Fachschaftsvertretungen und Fachschaftsräte [2./3. Lesung]
    2. Antrag 46/38 Antrag zur Reaktion auf das mutmaßliche Racial Profiling am 13.05.2024 in und um die MNL
    3. Antrag 46/39 Antrag Testlauf zur Unterstützung des Studierendenparlaments mit Hilfe von Liquid Democracy
    4. Antrag 46/47 Antrag Perspektiven für die lernende Jugend statt Wehrdienst: Bafög für Alle erstreiten!
    5. Reports
      1. from the SP Committees
      2. from the General Students’ Committee (AStA)
      3. from the Autonomous Departments
      4. from the Student Bodies
      5. from the University Bodies (Senate, Faculty Council, Committees, Council for Student Assistants)
      6. from the Presidium of the SP
      7. from the Arbitration Board
      8. from the Administrative Board of the Studierendenwerk Bonn
      9. from the Student Groups
  3. Elections
    1. AStA-Wahlen
      1. Head of CIMND* Department
    2. Election of Recording Clerks
      1. Recording Clerk
    3. Committees: Elections and By-Elections
    4. By-Elections of the Members of the Arbitration Board
  4. Motions
    1. Antrag 46/40 Antrag auf Verabschiedung der Satzung zur Förderung von Studentischen Gruppen (SFSG) [1. Lesung]
    2. Antrag 46/41 Antrag Antiklassismus an das Studierendenparlament
    3. Antrag 46/42 Antrag Antiklassismus an die Universität [1]
    4. Antrag 46/43 Antrag Antiklassismus an den AStA
    5. Antrag 46/44 Antrag zur Entlastung der Lernraumknappheit
    6. Antrag 46/45 Sitzungsgeld für studentische Vertreter*innen in universitären Gremien
    7. Antrag 46/46 Dritte Satzungsänderungssatzung der Satzung zur Erstattung des Mobilitätsbeitrags zum Semesterticket [1.Lesung]
    8. Other Motions
    9. Miscellaneous
Meeting as ics file

The 12th regular meeting of the committee for the aid fund to support students in need took place on until in the Internet.

Beitreten Zoom Meeting Meeting-ID: 674 3391 1786 Kenncode: 155884

The preliminary agenda was:

  1. Opening and Welcome
  2. Election of Recording Clerk
  3. Setting of the Agenda
  4. Approval of the Proceedings
  5. Account balances
  6. Approval Motion Forms
  7. Miscellaneous
Meeting as ics file

The 11th regular meeting of the committee for the aid fund to support students in need took place on until in the Internet.

Zugangslink: Meeting-ID: 613 2836 2982 Kenncode: 034210

The preliminary agenda was:

  1. Opening and Welcome
  2. Election of Recording Clerk
  3. Setting of the Agenda
  4. Approval of the Proceedings
  5. Account balances
  6. Motions
  7. Motion forms
  8. Miscellaneous
Meeting as ics file

The 2nd regular meeting of the gender equity committee took place on in the AStA-Container.

The preliminary agenda was:

  1. Opening and Welcome
  2. Election of a Recording Clerk
  3. Finalization of the Agenda
  4. Data Protection Obligation
  5. Approval of the Protocol of the Inaugural Meeting
  6. Determination of further Dates
  7. Miscellaneous
Meeting as ics file

The 6th regular Meeting of the 46th Student Parliament took place on in the Mensa CAMPO.

The preliminary agenda was:

  1. Formalities
    1. Opening and Welcome
    2. Introduction to Formalities
    3. Setting of the Agenda
    4. Approval of Meeting Minutes
  2. Reports, Guests and Motions with Guests
    1. Antrag 46/31 Erste Änderungsordnung der Finanzordnung des Studierendensports [2./ 3. Lesung] [1] [2]
    2. Antrag 46/35 Erste Ordnung zur Änderung der Wahlordnung für die Wahlen der Fachschaftsvertretungen und Fachschaftsräte [1. Lesung]
    3. Reports
      1. from the SP Committees
      2. from the General Students’ Committee (AStA)
      3. from the Autonomous Departments
      4. from the Student Bodies
      5. from the University Bodies (Senate, Faculty Council, Committees, Council for Student Assistants)
      6. from the Presidium of the SP
      7. from the Arbitration Board
      8. from the Administrative Board of the Studierendenwerk Bonn
      9. from the Student Groups
  3. Elections
    1. Committees: Elections and By-Elections
    2. By-Elections of the Members of the Arbitration Board
  4. Motions
    1. Antrag 46/33 Haushaltsplan 2024/2025 [2./ 3. Lesung] [1] [2] [3] [4]
    2. Antrag 46/36 Kulturplenum Sommersemester 2024 [1]
    3. Antrag 46/37 Antrag Lehrvortrag
    4. Other Motions
    5. Miscellaneous
Meeting as ics file

The 5th regular Meeting of the 46th Student Parliament took place on in the Mensa CAMPO.

The preliminary agenda was:

  1. Formalities
    1. Opening and Welcome
    2. Introduction to Formalities
    3. Setting of the Agenda
    4. Approval of Meeting Minutes
  2. Reports, Guests and Motions with Guests
    1. Visit of fzs e. V.
    2. Antrag 46/31 Erste Änderungsordnung der Finanzordnung des Studierendensports [1. Lesung] [1]
    3. Antrag 46/32 CAMPUS FESTIVAL & CAMPUS Garten 2024
    4. Reports
      1. from the SP Committees
      2. from the General Students’ Committee (AStA)
      3. from the Autonomous Departments
      4. from the Student Bodies
      5. from the University Bodies (Senate, Faculty Council, Committees, Council for Student Assistants)
      6. from the Presidium of the SP
      7. from the Arbitration Board
      8. from the Administrative Board of the Studierendenwerk Bonn
      9. from the Student Groups
  3. Elections
    1. AStA-Wahlen
      1. Head of Department Women and Equality
    2. Committees: Elections and By-Elections
    3. By-Elections of the Members of the Arbitration Board
  4. Motions
    1. Antrag 46/33 Haushaltsplan 2024/2025 [1. Lesung] [1]
    2. Antrag 46/34 Erklärung der Gültigkeit der Wahl zum 46. Bonner Studierendenparlament [1]
    3. Other Motions
    4. Miscellaneous
Meeting as ics file

The Constituent Meeting of the Arbitration Board took place on in the AStA-Container.

Die konstituierende Sitzung des Schlichtungsgremium wird am 19.06. wiederholt, da nicht korrekt eingeladen wurde.

The preliminary agenda was:

  1. Opening and Welcome
  2. Election of a Recording Clerk
  3. Finalization of the Agenda
  4. Data Protection Obligation
  5. Election of a deputy chairperson
  6. Determination of further Dates
  7. Miscellaneous
Meeting as ics file

The 4th regular Meeting of the Election Scrutiny Committee took place on in the Gemeinschaftsraum im AStA (Endenicher Allee 17).

The preliminary agenda was:

  1. Opening and Welcome
  2. Determination of the Minute Taker
  3. Finalisation of the Agenda
  4. Approval of Meeting Minutes
  5. Execution of the Election Scrutiny
  6. Drafting the Audit Report and the Resolution for the Validation
  7. Miscellaneous
Meeting as ics file

The 3rd regular Meeting of the Statues and Rules of Procedure Committee took place on in the AStA-Container.

Die Sitzung wird hybrid stattfinden. Hier findet ihr die Zoom-Zugangsdaten: (Meeting-ID: 687 4967 1213, Kenncode: 859369).

The preliminary agenda was:

  1. Opening and Welcome
  2. Approval of meeting minutes
  3. Election of a Recording Clerk
  4. Report of the Chair on the transfer of § 6a RKO
  5. Amendment of the SpoFinO
  6. Elaboration of the SFSG
  7. Overview discussion of attachments 3 to 4
  8. Miscellaneous
Meeting as ics file

The 5th regular meeting of the budget committee took place on in the AStA-Container.

The preliminary agenda was:

  1. Opening and Welcome
  2. Determination of the minute taker
  3. Finalisation of the agenda
  4. Approval of meeting minutes
  5. Discussion about the HHP 24/25
  6. Miscellaneous
Meeting as ics file

The 4th regular Meeting of the 46th Student Parliament took place on in the Mensa CAMPO.

The preliminary agenda was:

  1. Formalities
    1. Opening and Welcome
    2. Introduction to Formalities
    3. Setting of the Agenda
    4. Approval of Meeting Minutes
  2. Reports, Guests and Motions with Guests
    1. Reports
      1. from the SP Committees
      2. from the General Students’ Committee (AStA)
      3. from the Autonomous Departments
      4. from the Student Bodies
      5. from the University Bodies (Senate, Faculty Council, Committees, Council for Student Assistants)
      6. from the Presidium of the SP
      7. from the Arbitration Board
      8. from the Administrative Board of the Studierendenwerk Bonn
      9. from the Student Groups
    2. Antrag 46/28 Antrag zur Umformulierung des Bekenntnisses gegen Antisemitismus [vertagt]
  3. Elections
    1. Ausschüsse: Wahlen und Nachwahlen
    2. Nachwahl der Mitglieder des Schlichtungsgremiums
  4. Motions
    1. Antrag 46/13 Antrag 8.Mai - vorlesungsfrei [vertagt] [1] [2] [3]
    2. Antrag 46/14 BASTA-Reförmchen [vertagt] [1] [2]
    3. Antrag 46/18 Nachtragshaushaltsplan II 2023/2024 [2./3. Lesung] [1] [2]
    4. Antrag 46/19 Neufassung der Wahlordnung für die Wahlen zum Studierendenparla- ment (WOSP) [2./3. Lesung] [1] [2]
    5. Antrag 46/20 Antrag auf Änderung der Beitragsordnung der Studierendenschaft [2./3. Lesung]
    6. Other Motions
    7. Miscellaneous
Meeting as ics file

The 2nd regular meeting of the committee for the student ticket took place on in the AStA-Container.

The preliminary agenda was:

  1. Opening and Welcome
  2. Determination of the minute taker
  3. Finalization of the agenda
  4. Approval of the minutes of the 1st ordinary meeting
  5. Data protection obligation
  6. Consultation on an amendment to the SST
  7. Second reading of the amendment to the procedural guidelines for SST
  8. Third reading of the amendment to the procedural guidelines for SST
  9. Processing of cases (not public)
  10. Processing status of applications (not public)
  11. Self-image and working area of the committee (not public)
  12. Miscellaneous
Meeting as ics file

The 3rd regular Meeting of the Election Scrutiny Committee took place on in the AStA-Container.

The preliminary agenda was:

  1. Opening and Welcome
  2. Determination of the minute taker
  3. Finalisation of the agenda
  4. Approval of meeting minutes
  5. Data protection declaration
  6. Execution of the Election Scrutiny
  7. Determination of further Dates
  8. Miscellaneous
Meeting as ics file

The 3rd regular Meeting of the Student Parliament took place on in the Mensa CAMPO.

The preliminary agenda was:

  1. Formalities
    1. Opening and Welcome
    2. Introduction to Formalities
    3. Setting of the Agenda
    4. Approval of Proceedings
  2. Reports, Guests and Motions with Guests
    1. Antrag 46/9 Neufassung der Reisekostenordnung der Studierendenschaft [2./3. Lesung]
    2. Antrag 46/16 Finanzantrag Vernetzungskonferenz Feministischer Geographien 2024 [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
    3. Reports
      1. from the SP Committees
      2. from the General Students’ Committee (AStA)
      3. from the Autonomous Departments
      4. from the Student Bodies
      5. from the University Bodies (Senate, Faculty Council, Committees, Council for Student Assistants)
      6. from the Presidium of the SP
      7. from the Arbitration Board
      8. from the Administrative Board of the Studierendenwerk Bonn
      9. from the Student Groups
  3. Elections
    1. AStA-Wahlen
      1. Head of Department Learning and Teaching [1]
    2. Committees: Elections and By-Elections
    3. By-Elections of the Members of the Arbitration Board
  4. Motions
    1. Antrag 46/13 Antrag 8.Mai - vorlesungsfrei [vertagt] [1] [2] [3]
    2. Antrag 46/14 BASTA-Reförmchen [vertagt] [1] [2]
    3. Antrag 46/17 Antrag Graffitiwand an der Uni
    4. Antrag 46/18 Nachtragshaushaltsplan II 2023/2024 [1. Lesung] [1] [2]
    5. Antrag 46/19 Neufassung der Wahlordnung für die Wahlen zum Studierendenparlament (WOSP) [1. Lesung] [1] [2]
    6. Antrag 46/20 Antrag auf Änderung der Beitragsordnung der Studierendenschaft [1. Lesung]
    7. Antrag 46/21 Soli-Antrag zum offenen Brief des Elternbeirats der Kita Rheinaue
    8. Antrag 46/22 Antrag Kinder S.t.E.R.N.
    9. Antrag 46/23 Antrag Inflation stoppen – Dönerpreisbremse jetzt!
    10. Other Motions
    11. Miscellaneous
Meeting as ics file

The 4th regular meeting of the budget committee took place on in the AStA-Container.

The preliminary agenda was:

  1. Opening and Welcome
  2. Determination of the minute taker
  3. Finalisation of the agenda
  4. Approval of meeting minutes
  5. Discussion about the HHP 24/25
  6. Miscellaneous
Meeting as ics file

The 2nd regular Meeting of the Election Scrutiny Committee took place on in the AStA-Container.

The preliminary agenda was:

  1. Opening and Welcome
  2. Determination of the minute taker
  3. Finalisation of the agenda
  4. Approval of meeting minutes
  5. Data protection declaration
  6. Execution of the Election Scrutiny
  7. Determination of further Dates
  8. Miscellaneous
Meeting as ics file

The 9th regular meeting of the committee for the aid fund to support students in need took place on until in the Internet.

Link for the Zoom Meeting Meeting-ID: 686 5012 7780 Kenncode: 229457

The preliminary agenda was:

  1. Opening and Welcome
  2. Election of Recording Clerk
  3. Setting of the Agenda
  4. Approval of the Proceedings
  5. Account balances
  6. Motions
  7. Miscellaneous
Meeting as ics file

The 8. ordentliche Sitzung des Hifo took place on until in the Internet.

Beitreten Zoom Meeting Meeting-ID: 644 7042 5303 Kenncode: 169825

Meeting as ics file

The 3rd regular meeting of the budget committee took place on in the AStA-Container.

The preliminary agenda was:

  1. Opening and Welcome
  2. Determination of the minute taker
  3. Finalisation of the agenda
  4. Approval of meeting minutes
  5. Data protection declaration
  6. Financial motion AK Feminist Geographies Bonn and recommendation for resolution
  7. Election of a deputy chairperson
  8. Reimbursement of expenses of the public relations officer
  9. Resolution recommendation on the NHHP II
  10. Miscellaneous
Meeting as ics file

The 7. ordentliche Sitzung des Hifo took place on until in the Internet.

Beitreten Zoom Meeting Meeting-ID: 655 0337 5631 Kenncode: 657861

Meeting as ics file

The 2nd regular Meeting of the Student Parliament took place on in the Mensa CAMPO.

The preliminary agenda was:

  1. Formalities
    1. Opening and Welcome
    2. Introduction to Formalities
    3. Setting of the Agenda
    4. Approval of Meeting Minutes
  2. Reports, Guests and Motions with Guests
    1. Antrag 46/9 Neufassung der Reisekostenordnung der Studierendenschaft [1. Lesung]
    2. Antrag 46/10 Finanzantrag Rudern
    3. Antrag 46/11 Entlastung des AStA für das Haushaltsjahr 2022/23 [1] [2]
    4. Reports
      1. from the SP Committees
      2. from the General Students’ Committee (AStA)
      3. from the Autonomous Departments
      4. from the Student Bodies
      5. from the University Bodies (Senate, Faculty Council, Committees, Council for Student Assistants)
      6. from the Presidium of the SP
      7. from the Arbitration Board
      8. from the Administrative Board of the Studierendenwerk Bonn
      9. from the Student Groups
  3. Elections
    1. AStA-Wahlen
      1. President of AStA
      2. Vice President of AStA
      3. Finance Officer
      4. Further Representatives
    2. Committees: Elections and By-Election
    3. Election of the Public Relations Commissioner
    4. By-Elections of the Members of the Arbitration Board
  4. Motions
    1. Antrag 46/12 Finanzantrag festival contre le racisme 2024
    2. Other Motions
    3. Miscellaneous
Meeting as ics file

The 2nd regular Meeting of the Budget Committee took place on in the Gemeinschaftsraum im AStA (Endenicher Allee 17).

The preliminary agenda was:

  1. Opening and Welcome
  2. Appointment of the Recording Clerk
  3. Setting of the Meeting Agenda
  4. Approval of Proceedings
  5. Discussion about the NHHP II
  6. Miscellaneous
Meeting as ics file

The 2. ordentliche Sitzung des Öffentlichkeitsausschusses took place on in the AStA-Container.

The preliminary agenda was:

  1. Eröffnung und Begrüßung
  2. Wahl einer*eines Schriftführenden
  3. Endgültige Festlegung der Tagesordnung
  4. Genehmigung von Protokollen
  5. Datenschutzverpflichtung
  6. Sichtung der Bewerbungen auf die Stelle der Öffentlichkeitsbeaufragten
  7. Verschiedenes
Meeting as ics file

The 1st regular meeting of the gender equity committee took place on in the AStA-Container.

The preliminary agenda was:

  1. Opening and Welcome
  2. Election of a Recording Clerk
  3. Finalization of the Agenda
  4. Data Protection Obligation
  5. Approval of the Protocol of the Inaugural Meeting
  6. Determination of further Dates
  7. Miscellaneous
Meeting as ics file

The 6. ordentliche Sitzung des Hifo took place on until in the Internet.

Beitreten Zoom Meeting Meeting-ID: 678 0174 5300 Kenncode: 849396

Meeting as ics file

The 1st regular meeting of the committee for the student ticket took place on in the AStA-Container.

The preliminary agenda was:

  1. Eröffnung und Begrüßung
  2. Festlegung der Protokollführung
  3. Endgültige Festlegung der Tagesordnung
  4. Genehmigung des Protokolls der konstituierenden Sitzung [1]
  5. Datenschutzverpflichtung
  6. Wahl eines*einer stellvertretenden Vorsitzenden
  7. Beratung über eine Änderung der SST
  8. Erste Lesung Ordnungsänderung Verfahrensrichtlinie zur SST [1]
  9. Bearbeitung von Fällen (nicht öffentlich)
  10. Bearbeitungsstand Anträge (nicht öffentlich)
  11. Verschiedenes
Meeting as ics file

The 5. ordentliche Sitzung des Ausschusses für den Hilfsfonds zur Unterstützung in Not geratener Studierender took place on in the Internet.

Zugangsdaten: Meeting-ID: 615 7746 1278 Kenncode: 831599

The preliminary agenda was:

  1. Opening and Welcome
  2. Election of Recording Clerks
  3. Setting of the Agenda
  4. Approval of the Proceedings
  5. Account balances
  6. Motions
  7. Miscellaneous
Meeting as ics file

The 2nd regular Meeting of the Statues and Rules of Procedure Committee took place on in the AStA-Container.

Ort: Zimmer 4, AStA-Container Online: (Meeting-ID: 680 6177 7062; Kenncode: 914041)

The preliminary agenda was:

  1. Opening and Welcome
  2. Amendment of the RKO
  3. Amendmentof the WOSP
  4. Presentation & internal discussion of the concept for reforming the RFSG
  5. Miscellaneous
Meeting as ics file

The 1. ordentliche Sitzung des Wahlprüfungsausschusses took place on in the AStA-Container.

The preliminary agenda was:

  1. Eröffnung und Begrüßung
  2. Festlegung der Protokollführung
  3. Endgültige Festlegung der Tagesordnung
  4. Genehmigung von Sitzungsprotokollen
  5. Datenschutzverpflichtung
  6. Durchführung der Wahlprüfung
  7. Festlegung weiterer (Arbeits-)Termine
  8. Verschiedenes
Meeting as ics file

The 11th regular Meeting of the Election Committee took place on in the AStA-Container.

The preliminary agenda was:

  1. Opening and Welcome
  2. Election of a Recording Clerk
  3. Setting of the Agenda
  4. Approval of Proceeding
  5. Debriefing of the Election
  6. Completion of Handover Files
  7. Miscellaneous
Meeting as ics file

The 1st regular Meeting of the Statues and Rules of Procedure Committee took place on in the AStA.

Ort: Gemeinschaftsraum, Endenicher Allee 17 Online:

The preliminary agenda was:

  1. Opening and Welcome
  2. Legality of the Publication of SP Resolutions
  3. Input and Proposals for a Reform of the RFSG
  4. Adjustment of the RKO
  5. Miscellaneous
Meeting as ics file

The 1st regular Meeting of the Budget Committee took place on in the AStA-Container.

The preliminary agenda was:

  1. Opening and Welcome
  2. Appointment of the Recording Clerk
  3. Setting of the Meeting Agenda
  4. Approval of Proceedings
  5. Data Protection Statement
  6. Budget Account 22/23
  7. Report of the KPA
  8. Statement on the Discharge of the AStA
  9. Miscellaneous
Meeting as ics file

The 1st regular Meeting of the 46th Student Parliament took place on in the Mensa CAMPO.

The preliminary agenda was:

  1. Formalities
    1. Opening and Welcome
    2. Introduction to Formalities
    3. Setting of the Agenda
    4. Approval of Meeting Minutes
  2. Reports, Guests and Motions with Guests
    1. Antrag 46/1 Antirassistischer Wunschzettel an den neuen AStA [vertagt]
    2. Reports
      1. from the SP Committees
      2. from the General Students’ Committee (AStA)
      3. from the Autonomous Departments
      4. from the Student Bodies
      5. from the University Bodies (Senate, Faculty Council, Committees, Council for Student Assistants)
      6. from the Presidium of the SP
      7. from the Arbitration Board
      8. from the Administrative Board of the Studierendenwerk Bonn
      9. from the Student Groups
  3. Elections
    1. Election of Recording Clerks
    2. Committees: Elections and By-Elections
    3. By-Elections of the Members of the Arbitration Board
  4. Motions
    1. Antrag 46/3 Einrichtung eines Ausschusses für Geschlechtergerechtigkeit [1]
    2. Antrag 46/4 Rahmenvertrag Kulturticket-App Nutzung (Förderung von für Studierende kostenfreie Veranstaltungen) [1]
    3. Antrag 46/5 Einrichtung einer Beratungsstelle „Studienfinanzierung“ im Studierendenwerk Bonn
    4. Antrag 46/6 Vertrag Deutschlandsemesterticket [1]
    5. Antrag 46/7 Honorar Mitgestaltung Podiumsdiskussion
    6. Other Motions
    7. Miscellaneous
Meeting as ics file

The 1st regular meeting of the public relations committee took place on in the AStA-Container.

The preliminary agenda was:

  1. Opening and Welcome
  2. Election of a Recording Clerk
  3. Finalization of the Agenda
  4. Approval of Protocols
  5. Data Protection Obligation
  6. Tendering of the Public Relations Commissioner
  7. Miscellaneous
Meeting as ics file

The konstituierende Sitzung des Haushaltsausschusses took place on in the AStA-Container.

The preliminary agenda was:

  1. Eröffnung und Begrüßung
  2. Wahl einer*eines Schriftführenden
  3. Endgültige Festlegung der Tagesordnung
  4. Datenschutzverpflichtung
  5. Wahl
    1. a) einer*eines Vorsitzenden
    2. b) einer*eines stellvertretenden Vorsitzenden
  6. Festlegung weiterer (Arbeits-)Termine
  7. Verschiedenes
Meeting as ics file

The konstituierende Sitzung des Öffentlichkeitsausschusses took place on in the AStA-Container.

The preliminary agenda was:

  1. Eröffnung und Begrüßung
  2. Wahl einer*eines Schriftführenden
  3. Endgültige Festlegung der Tagesordnung
  4. Datenschutzverpflichtung
  5. Wahl
    1. a) einer*eines Vorsitzenden
    2. b) einer*eines stellvertretenden Vorsitzenden
  6. Festlegung weiterer (Arbeits-)Termine
  7. Verschiedenes
Meeting as ics file

The konstituierende Sitzung des Wahlprüfungsausschusses took place on in the AStA-Container.

The preliminary agenda was:

  1. Eröffnung und Begrüßung
  2. Wahl einer*eines Schriftführenden
  3. Endgültige Festlegung der Tagesordnung
  4. Datenschutzverpflichtung
  5. Wahl
    1. a) einer*eines Vorsitzenden
    2. b) einer*eines stellvertretenden Vorsitzenden
  6. Festlegung weiterer (Arbeits-)Termine
  7. Verschiedenes
Meeting as ics file

The konstituierende Sitzung des Satzungs- und Geschäftsordnungsausschusses took place on in the AStA-Container.

The preliminary agenda was:

  1. Eröffnung und Begrüßung
  2. Wahl einer*eines Schriftführenden
  3. Endgültige Festlegung der Tagesordnung
  4. Datenschutzverpflichtung
  5. Wahl
    1. a) einer*eines Vorsitzenden
    2. b) einer*eines stellvertretenden Vorsitzenden
  6. Festlegung weiterer (Arbeits-)Termine
  7. Verschiedenes
Meeting as ics file

The konstituierende Sitzung des Kassenprüfungsausschusses took place on in the AStA-Container.

The preliminary agenda was:

  1. Eröffnung und Begrüßung
  2. Wahl einer*eines Schriftführenden
  3. Endgültige Festlegung der Tagesordnung
  4. Datenschutzverpflichtung
  5. Wahl
    1. a) einer*eines Vorsitzenden
    2. b) einer*eines stellvertretenden Vorsitzenden
  6. Festlegung weiterer (Arbeits-)Termine
  7. Verschiedenes
Meeting as ics file

The konstituierende Sitzung des Semesterticketausschusses took place on in the AStA-Container.

The preliminary agenda was:

  1. Eröffnung und Begrüßung
  2. Wahl einer*eines Schriftführenden
  3. Endgültige Festlegung der Tagesordnung
  4. Datenschutzverpflichtung
  5. Wahl
    1. a) einer*eines Vorsitzenden
    2. b) einer*eines stellvertretenden Vorsitzenden
  6. Festlegung weiterer (Arbeits-)Termine
  7. Verschiedenes
Meeting as ics file

The konstituierende Sitzung des 46. Studierendenparlaments took place on in the Mensa CAMPO.

The preliminary agenda was:

  1. Eröffnung und Begrüßung
  2. Feststellung der Beschlussfähigkeit
  3. Endgültige Festlegung der Tagesordnung
  4. Wahl des SP-Präsidiums
    1. 1. Sprecherin oder Sprecher
    2. 2. Sprecherin oder Sprecher
    3. 3. Sprecherin oder Sprecher
  5. Wahl der Schriftführung
    1. 1. Schriftführerin oder Schriftführer
    2. 2. Schriftführerin oder Schriftführer
  6. Genehmigung von Sitzungsprotokollen
  7. Wahlen: Ausschüsse
    1. Haushaltsausschuss (7 Mitglieder)
    2. Kassenprüfungsausschuss (5 Mitglieder)
    3. Wahlprüfungsausschuss (5 Mitglieder)
    4. Ausschuss für den Hilfsfonds zur Unterstützung in Not geratener Studierender (5 Mitglieder)
    5. Satzungs- und Geschäftsordnungsausschuss (5 Mitglieder)
    6. Ausschuss für das Semesterticket (5 Mitglieder)
    7. Öffentlichkeitsausschuss (7 Mitglieder)
    8. weitere Ausschüsse
    9. Wahl der Mitglieder des Schlichtungsgremiums
  8. Berichte
    1. Bericht der Wahlleitung
    2. aus dem AStA
    3. aus dem autonomen Referaten
    4. aus den Fachschaften
    5. aus den Gremien (Senat, Fakultätsräte, Kommissionen)
    6. aus dem SP-Präsidium
    7. aus den SP-Ausschüssen
    8. aus dem StwB-Verwaltungsrat
  9. Weitere Anträge
  10. Verschiedenes
Meeting as ics file