Student Parliament of the Rhenish
Friedrich Wilhelm University of Bonn



Here you can find the meeting dates of the 45. Student Parliament of the University of Bonn, as well as those of its committees and of the Conciliation Committee.

The meeting dates are also available as RSS feed and as ICal calendar.

The 9th regular Meeting of the Student Parliament took place on in the Mensa CAMPO.

The preliminary agenda was:

  1. Formalities
    1. Opening and Welcome
    2. Introduction to Formalities
    3. Setting of the Agenda
    4. Approval of Meeting Minutes
  2. Reports, Guests and Motions with Guests
    1. Visit of Stadtwerke Bonn
    2. Reports
      1. from the SP Committees
      2. from the General Students’ Committee (AStA)
      3. from the Autonomous Departments
      4. from the Student Bodies
      5. from the University Bodies (Senate, Faculty Council, Committees, Council for Student Assistants)
      6. from the Presidium of the SP
      7. from the Arbitration Board
      8. from the Administrative Board of the Studierendenwerk Bonn
      9. from the Student Groups
  3. Elections
    1. Election of the Presidium
      1. Recording Clerk
    2. Elections of the AStA
      1. Vice President
      2. Head of IT Department
      3. Head of Department of Culture and Student Initiatives
      4. Head of Social Services Department
    3. Committees: Elections and By-Elections
      1. Election of the Election Committee of the Student Parliament (10 regular members, 10 deputy members)
      2. Election of the Election Office of the Student Parliament (Chief and Deputy Election Officer)
      3. Student Members of the Election Committee of University Bodies (one regular member and deputies)
      4. Student Members of the Election Review Committee of University Bodies (one member)
      5. Other By-Elections
    4. By-Elections of the Members of the Arbitration Board
  4. Motions
    1. Final declaration of the election result
    2. Antrag 45/53 Steh-Kaffee
    3. Other Motions
    4. Miscellaneous
Meeting as ics file